As part of Spains Hall Estate’s aspiration to be more environmentally sustainable across all operations, they have partnered with Vigilis Tree Shelters, the leading designer and manufacturer of biodegradable tree shelters. Vigilis Tree Shelters, who are based in Finchingfield, have provided Spains Hall Estate with nearly 1,000 plastic-free biodegradable tree shelters for their latest agro-forestry project.
The estate is currently transforming 300 hectares of farmland an ‘alley-cropping’ system by planting 10,000 nut and timber trees over a five-year period. Lines of trees will be planted within arable and grazing fields to produce food products and timber for the decades to come. Between the lines of trees, grassland, herbal leys and wildlife mixes will be established that support biodiversity, build soil health, sequester carbon, trap and clean water and help mitigate drought.
Biome Technologies plc (LON:BIOM) Biome Bioplastics and Suregreen partnered to create biodegradable tree shelters. The Vigilis Bio tree shelters are made from biodegradable biomaterials and have specifically been designed to guard and protect the first 5-7 years of a tree’s life.