The Challenge
A private estate, managed by one of the UK’s leading Forestry Management firms, executed a large restocking plantation. The section of land had also been hit with widespread ash dieback and an appropriate range of replacement trees were selected. They were well suited to the current site conditions and likely to be seen in the future due to climate change. The site is also heavily browsed, even with numerous fencing options.
The Solution
Over 9000 x 1.5m Standard Vigilis Tree Shelters were planted, along with 1.5m x 32 x 32mm Softwood tree stakes. Also in situ were a few hundred 1.5m Vigilis-Bio tree shelters, now part of Vigilis-Bio UK-wide trial.
Biome Technologies plc (LON:BIOM) is a growth oriented, commercially driven technology group. The Group’s primary activity is the development of its fast growing business in bioplastics. The Group comprises two divisions: Biome Bioplastics and Stanelco RF Technologies.