Vigilis-Bio Biodegradable Tree Shelters, from Suregreen, are designed to function in the same way as our regular tree shelters, protecting young trees and other woody plants (such as vines) from animal browsing and herbicide spray.
However, the unique material used to make Vigilis-Bio is radically different from regular polypropylene tree shelters. After a minimum of five year’s service life the Vigilis-Bio tree shelter is designed to start to break up, and as soon as particles and small fragments fall to the ground, where they come into contact with the soil, they will act as a food source for soil bacteria and micro-organisms, eventually being absorbed harmlessly into the natural environment.
Biome Technologies plc is a growth oriented, commercially driven technology group. The Group’s primary activity is the development of its fast growing business in bioplastics. The Group comprises two divisions: Biome Bioplastics and Stanelco RF Technologies.