Metals processing company Jubilee Metals has entered into a new partnership agreement to expand its chrome footprint and platinum group metals (PGMs) feed in SA.
Jubilee has committed to upgrading the brownfield processing facility by the end of June to reach an annualised processing capacity of 360,000 tonnes of ROM annually.
The company, valued at R4.9bn on the JSE, aims to grow its local operational footprint by almost two-thirds over the next two years to reach a production rate of 2-million tonnes per year.
Jubilee Metals Group plc (LON:JLP) is a diversified metal recovery business with a world-class portfolio of projects in South Africa and Zambia. The Company’s expanding multi-project portfolio across South Africa and Zambia provides exposure to a broad commodity basket including Platinum Group Metals, chrome, lead, zinc, vanadium, copper and cobalt.