Using LEDs for plant growth lights is nothing new, nor is the use of QDs in LED lighting. While it is already proven that LED systems have big advantages over conventional plant lighting technologies, it is not common knowledge that Cd-free QDs are ideal candidates for optimizing the light spectrum for plant growth systems. Dale Needham, Business Development Director-Lighting at Nanoco Lighting, explains the opportunities and advantages based on Nanoco’s proprietary and patentprotected CFQD cadmium-free quantum dot LED grow lighting systems.
For plants to thrive, they require the full-spectrum light of the sun; chlorophyll in the foliage absorbs sunlight to provide energy for all of the plant’s needs, while photosynthesis – using wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers (nm) – is the plant’s process of converting light energy from the sun.
Nanoco Group PLC (LON:NANO) leads the world in the research, development and large-scale manufacture of heavy metal-free nanomaterials for use in displays, lighting, vertical farming, solar energy and bio-imaging.