Social tenants urged to speak out against rogue landlords
Social tenants are being urged to speak out against ‘rogue’ landlords in the wake of the Awaab Ishak tragedy. A major campaign is being launched today (March 6), pushing the vital message
Social tenants are being urged to speak out against ‘rogue’ landlords in the wake of the Awaab Ishak tragedy. A major campaign is being launched today (March 6), pushing the vital message
Anexo Group plc (LON:ANX), the specialist integrated credit hire and legal services provider, has provided the following pre-close trading update for the year ended 31 December 2022 (‘FY-2022’) ahead of the
Oxford City Council says a new law for social landlords to tackle damp and mould should be extended to all rented homes. People living in homes with damp and mould
Sarah Jayne Holland is currently living in Travelodge with her two children as her home is unsafe to live in “I just feel like I’m at my breaking point now.
Housing Secretary Michael Gove is urging social housing tenants to complain about substandard housing, spearheading the launch of the government’s ‘Make Things Right’ advertising campaign. Residents are being encouraged to
The government is launching a new advertising campaign to encourage social housing tenants to complain about sub-standard housing. The campaign will see advertisements broadcast on national radio stations, popular music
Social housing providers will be aware of the tragic death of Awaab Ishak and the subsequent coroner’s report into his death. All providers will have received letters from the Regulator
The team and staff spent over a week out on the island, well known for being a cycling hotspot, to put themselves to the test in readiness for an action-packed
The Housing Ombudsman has published three separate cases involving Lambeth Council, making five severe maladministration findings after multiple failings on issues such as record keeping and complaint handling. The five severe maladministration findings are
With half term coming up, the riders and staff of Anexo Group Race Team are heading out to Pollenca, Mallorca, for a pre-season training camp. They will also be taking