International shipping is a significant source of carbon emissions. It accounts for some 2.89% of global anthropogenic emissions and is the sixth largest emissions source by sector. Yet, it is indispensable to international trade, carrying over 80% of the world’s merchandise trade by volume.
In 2023, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published a report finding carbon emissions from international shipping were 20% higher than 2013, with overall emissions increasing by 40% by 2050 due to the expected increase in global trade volume. With the impacts of climate change becoming more frequent and intense, curtailing global anthropogenic emissions is ever more important, and the implications of international shipping on climate change will necessarily have to be given more attention.
What emerging ‘green solutions’ will shipping take, and what are the risks and benefits?
Quadrise plc (LON:QED) is an energy technology provider whose solutions enable production of cheaper, cleaner, simpler and safer alternatives to fuel oil and biofuels, proven in real world applications. Quadrise technologies produce transition fuels called MSAR® and bioMSAR™, which allow clients in the shipping, utilities and industrial sectors to reduce carbon emissions whilst also saving costs.