When digital doesn’t work
The fact that you’re reading this blog shows that you understand something a lot of businesses don’t: digital performance isn’t just about numbers. It’s about people.
You know that if your people aren’t able to use technology as intended – if they’re constantly fighting against laggy load times and audio jitter – it’s bound to have an impact on your business. The question is, how much of an impact?
Buffering, slowness and stoppages aren’t just mild daily frustrations that we’ve all got to get used to. Sure, on an individual level we might be able to dismiss them for a while. But if you get a company-wide view over a longer period, you begin to see that a few minutes lost here or there is actually a problem worth millions of dollars.
Actual Experience PLC (LON:ACT), an analytics-as-a-service company, provide digital experience quality analytics services in the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, and internationally.