Every business consumes, produces, stores and uses data. The stats are mind boggling. According to IBM, there’s currently in excess of 2.7 zettabytes of data in the digital universe, and we’re creating an additional 35 zettabytes every year.
This data offers us huge potential across all aspects of our business. But it needs to be sifted and sorted, analysed and understood. Too much raw data and we’re overwhelmed. But the alternative – reports compiled of averages that don’t paint the whole picture – means we can miss the subtleties of what’s really happening.
This is particularly true when it comes to assessing human experience – the feeling a person has when interacting with the digital world.
Actual Experience PLC (LON:ACT), an analytics-as-a-service company, provide digital experience quality analytics services in the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, and internationally.